Waitakere Writerss

I spied her then across the way, the years had made her old,

Her hair was grey, her face was lined, her footsteps they were slow,

She took my arm to cross the road her touch still felt like gold,

She smiled at me and laughed aloud, a sound both sweet and low.

My head grew light my heart beat fast, I could not get my fill

Of beauty that my eyes could see. I knew I loved her still.


I knew her first far far away, in mood and time and place,

A skinny kid with bag and books she scampered down the street.

Her flowing hair was black as night, and shining was her face,

And laughing eyes and glowing cheeks and twinkling sprinkling feet.

My head grew light my heart beat fast, I could not get my fill

Of beauty that my eyes could see, I loved her with a will.


The years went past and as they did our friendship always grew,

But I was shy and she was not, so often I was left.

She seemed to me a pretty bird who soared and swooped and flew,

While I watched on, my heart in tears, my feelings oft’ bereft.

And though I loved her from afar her presence held me still,

The beauty that my eyes could see, I loved her with a will.


Our friendship stayed but she moved on to follow her career,

She studied hard to make her way, and travelled other roads.

While I went too, on bumpy tracks and paths that I held dear.

My life was rough and wild at times, I carried many loads.

But in my mind she had a place, her presence held me still.

Her beauty was not with me, but oh, I loved her still.


And then a letter came from her, the first for near a year,

The message said she was to wed, my time to hope was past.

I met her man and shared her joy with many a silent tear.

Our time was done, our time was gone, her fate was fully cast.

But in my mind she haunted me, her presence held me still

Her beauty was another’s, but I loved her with a will.


The seasons passed, the years rolled on, her work and family grew,

But coupled young without much thought, her husband duly went.

Then work was done and time was long and outside interests few,

She lives alone and dreams a lot, her time is nearly spent.

But sometimes when I think of her, her presence holds me still,

The beauty that was always hers, I love it with a will.


I call her now from year to year when birthday time does come,

We talk and chat and laugh and joke but then it’s time to go.

One day soon I’ll fly to her, a cottage is her home,

I’ll seek her out, I’ll hunt for her, I’ll search both high and low

For often now I think of her, I love her with a will,

The greying hair the deep lined face her beauty haunts me still.

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