December 9, 2023
Christmas lunch at Delicious Cafe, 547 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatū Peninsula, 11.30am.
No homework until February.
November 11, 2023
Write 50 words exactly, including - general, inane, broadly, raunchy ...
And 500 to 800 words on "Honestly, that's a true story ...
October 14, 2023
Write 50 words exactly, including - worn, ducks, boots, hair.
And 500 to 800 words on You should have listned to the weather forecast.
September 9, 2023
Write 50 words exactly, including - cobbled, taking, dream, handful.
And 500 to 800 words on The electrifying moment when ...
August 12, 2023
Write 50 words exactly, including - ocean, sometimes, saying, emissaries.
And 500 to 800 words on I Saw the Wierdest Thing.
July 8, 2023
Write 50 words exactly, including - antique, dignity, inspiring, watch.
And 500 to 800 words on My Last Dream.
June 10, 2023
Write 50 words (exactly), including the following four words: progressed, Japanese, habitation,roast. A 500-800 essay or story on The End of All Things.
May 13, 2023
Write 50 words (exactly), including the following four words: tombstone, pierce, peppermint, shenanigans.
A 500-800 word essay -- A door to another world ...
April 15, 2023
Write 50 words (exactly), including the following four words: unassuming, parenthesis, meander, oaken.
A 500-800 word essay with a prompt "A moonlight walk along the coast..."
March 11, 2023
Instead of a 50 word challenge, writers can try their hand at writing a few verses of poetry.
For the 500+ essay, we write on a topic of our own choosing but if anyone was interested, Dick suggested perhaps an essay about the change of weather and if it has impacted your life. Shirley proposed the topic “The Big Wet”.
February 11, 2023
50 words (exactly), including the following four words: hallway, champagne, influence, seize.
500–700 words, on the following theme: Secrets kept to the grave.