Waitakere Writerss


December End of Year Get Together 9 December 2017

End of year celebration. Some entertainment, and it is suggested we each write a short poem about some aspect of ourselves that may not be known to others. The others have to guess who it refers to, so prepare the piece so it can be drawn out of a container to be read.

Friends and family are welcome to join us.

Pease bring a plate - finger food only, please. 


Meeting 11 November 2017


50-word paragraph including the words  cab, dire, lemonade, militia 

A short story of up to 500 words, "A Christmas Story". This can be fact or fiction.


Meeting 12 August 2017


Write a 50 word paragraph including  lob, planet, buckle, rude.

A short story up to 500 words suggested by Dick  "It was time to change schools again"  with the implication of having problems being the reason for the change.


Meeting 8 July 2017


Write a piece of 50 words including: near, compensate, respect verify.

A short story up to 500 words relating to the opening sentence of Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice   "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."    This does not have to be the first sentence of your story, but must be of some relevance to it.


Meeting 10 June 2017


Write a piece of 50 words including: marsupial, fall, possible, grand.

Write a short story of up to 500 words: It doesn't matter how long...


Meeting 13 May 2017


Write a piece of 50 words including: crucible, sieve, uncle, decentralise.

Write a short story of up to 500 words: A disasterous date.


Meeting 8 April 2017


Write a piece of 50 words including: chutney, sneak, jemmy, default.

Write a short story of up to 500 words: "Last night I had the strangest dream..."


Meeting 11 March 2017


Write a piece of 50 words including: editorial,  health, high-handed, skirmish.

Write a short story of up to 500 words:  A colour that invokes particular memories


Meeting 11 February 2017


Write a short story of up to 500 words: giving a cafe/restaurant revue or account of a food experience.

Write a piece of 50 words including the four words: dove, hedgehog, clot, microphone.

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